VFX Reel

Modeling Reel

Hello and welcome to my portfolio.  My name, as you probably already know from the giant header at the top of the screen, is Jessica Wolff.  I am a Digital Artist and 3D Generalist.  What does that mean?  Basically, I can do a little bit of everything, a regular Jill-of-all-trades.

I can:
  •  Create brilliantly detailed 3D models
  •  Composite two (or more) separate elements seamlessly
  •  Texture and light virtual scenes
  •  Animate
  •  Match move tricky camera shots
  •  Remove unwanted elements and create clean plates
  •  Work with green screen footage

(Just don't ask me to dance or sing.  I'm rather lacking in those areas.)

My hobbies are also artistic.  In the past, I've created pottery and stained glass and I still enjoy sketching occasionally but lately I've been doing a lot of sewing and sculpting.  I've even opened an Etsy shop for my creations.

So, feel free to look around, check out the galleries, and drop me an email if you have any questions.

Jessica L. Wolff
3D & VFX Artist
Lake Balboa, CA


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